Sherone Simpson doping’ için ArÅŸiv

Rekortmen Tyson Gay ve Asafa Powell’dan ÅŸok haber

15 Temmuz 2013 Yazan admin

Amerikan Anti Doping Ajansı tarafından 16 Mayıs günü alınınan numunenin pozitif çıktığını belirten Gay B numunesinin ajansa teslim edildiğini ve gelecek sonucu beklediğini söyledi.

tyson gay dopingtepe

Önümüzdeki ay Moskova’da yapılacak Dünya Atletizm Åžampiyonası’na katılamayacağını dile getiren Gay “Bana karşı bir komplo yapıldığını düşünmüyorum, sanırım yanlış insanlara güvendim” dedi.

Geçirdiği sakatlıkların ardından eski formunu yakalayan Gay, geçen ay hem 100 hem de 200 metrede önemli dereceler elde etmişti.



Günün ikinci doping haberi ise Asafa Powell’dan geldi. 100 metrenin eski rekortmenlerinden Jamaikalı sprinterin testlerinin pozitif çıktığı açıklandı.

Sherone Simpson da powell la aynı kaderi paylaşıyor.

Sherone Simpson


Tyson Gay has tested positive for a banned substance and has said he’ll pull out of next month’s world championships in Moscow.

Gay told the Associated Press he was notified by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency of the positive test late last week. He wouldn’t reveal the substance but said the positive test came from a May 16 out-of-competition test, the AP reported.

“I don’t have a sabotage story. I don’t have any lies. I don’t have anything to say to make this seem like it was a mistake or it was on USADA’s hands, someone playing games,” said Gay, who fought back sobs as he spoke to the AP. “I don’t have any of those stories. I basically put my trust in someone and I was let down.”

He did not disclose to whom he was referring when he said he was let down.

MORE: Jamaican sprinters test positive

He would not go into specifics of the case when asked by the AP whether he tested positive for a steroid.

“I have to go over everything with USADA first,” he said. “I will take whatever punishment I get like a man. I do realize and respect what I put in my body and it is my responsibility.

“I’m going to be honest with USADA, about everything, everybody I’ve been with, every supplement I’ve ever taken, every company I’ve ever dealt with, everything.”

REACTION: Gay’s coach speaks out against doping

USADA released a statement Sunday confirming the positive test. “In response to Mr. Gay’s statements, USADA appreciates his approach to handling this situation and his choice to voluntarily remove himself from competition while the full facts surrounding his test are evaluated,” the statement read. “The B sample will be processed shortly, and as in all cases all athletes are innocent unless or until proven otherwise through the established legal process, and any attempt to sensationalize or speculate is a disservice to due process, fair play, and to those who love clean sport.”

USA Track & Field CEO Max Siegel released a statement that said it supports USADA “in the fight against drugs in sport. We do not know the facts of this case and look to USADA to adjudicate it and handle it appropriately. It is not the news anyone wanted to hear, at any time, about any athlete.”

Gay, 30, has struggled with injuries the past five years. This season he has run the top three fastest times in the world in the 100 meters. He won gold at the U.S. championships in Des Moines last month, dominating the field to finish in 9.75 seconds. It was his fourth U.S. title at the distance. He also claimed the 200 title at nationals, winning in 19.74 seconds. It’s the second fastest time in the 200 this season, just .01 second behind Usain Bolt’s 19.73, which he ran last weekend.

Gay is the American record-holder in the 100 with a 9.69 set in 2007, the season he was a world champion in the 100, 200 and 4×100.

Earlier this season he spoke of overcoming major hip surgery in 2011. “People are quick to forget some of the things you have accomplished,” he said.

At last summer’s London Olympics, Gay was heartbroken after coming in fourth in the 100, failing to win a bronze medal by one-hundredth of a second. “I just ran with all my heart,” Gay said. “There was nothing left in the tank. I didn’t get a medal, but I gave it my all.”

He won an Olympic silver medal as part of the USA’s 4×100 relay team in London.

In the past, Gay had been part of USADA’s “My Victory. I compete clean” program with 10 other athletes from Summer Olympic sports. His statement on the USADA web site read: “I compete clean because I really believe in fairness, and besides that, my Mom would kill me! Just being honest. My mother and my sister have been great role models for me.”



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